We love life!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mountain Top Experiences

So today I was reading Matthew 17:1-13...And I was enlightened so I thought I'd share it with you! When Peter says to Jesus 'Lord, I will put up three shelters...' And Jesus' response didn't make sense to me at first- He says 'the Son of Man is going to suffer...' What crazy timing to tell them this! But this is what God showed me...They were on the top of the mountain and had an amazing encounter with God. So much so they wanted to stay there! And on the way down He tells them He's gonna suffer. God really spoke to me and told me that He gives us mountain top experiences so that we will be able to cling to those to make it through the bottom of the mountain times! I sit here with tears realizing that no matter how discouraged you may be or how far away God may seem or even how much you just want to quit - you can remember the times when He was so near to you it felt like He was sitting right there with you, the times when you are in His presence and there is such joy, the times when all is well and you feel like you can conquer the world. Thank God that He gives us those times so that we can make it through the rough times! Be encouraged today friends! There is a time coming when you will start up that mountain again! Wow! What a word from God directly to me! I hope in sharing this 
with you that you can be encouraged as well!
 What an amazing God we have!

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