We love life!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa came to town!

So the past 10 days have been filled with lots of fun and memorable happenings! My parents came into town for Easter and then stayed an extra weekend so we could have Emory dedicated while they were here... so I thought I'd share a few special moments we had together!

Gavin just loved wrestling, going for walks, coloring chalk, riding his bike, playdough O and whatever else he could get his GrandMA's to do...he doesn't get that one is GrandMA and one is GrandPA! So he called them both GrandMA! hee hee, it drove my dad nuts! lol

And yep, I took this picture!
And I must say I think I have the cutest kids in the world! hee hee

We did so many other fun things together as well but these were the best! We had so much fun visiting with Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. I do think you have ONE of the cutest kids in the world:)...ha! Glad yall had so much fun. Thanks for sharing those pics too....
